1. Solution-oriented Ageing Research:
The aim of this program is to undertake national, cross-national, regional and global research aimed at finding solutions to the problems associated with ageing in SADC. This involves among other things undertaking research to innovate ageing policies, laws, programmes and projects which are shared with policy and law makers, CSOs, academia and international development partners as well as strengthening existing policies, laws, programmes and projects on ageing.
2. Ageing Education, Consultancy and Human Resources Development:
The aim of this program is to provide ageing education and consultancy to governments, CSOs, media, international development partners, individuals and organizations in need of scientific knowledge about ageing. Because they are inadequate human resources in the field of ageing in SADC and many African countries, this programme is also aimed at developing human resources that is already working and to those work in the field of ageing. This is done by offering specialized training and refresher short-term courses on ageing, capacity building of government officials, CSOs, service providers, academia, awareness raising on contemporary national, regional and international issues on ageing. Given that ageing is a cross-cutting issue and should be mainstreamed in all development issues, this program is also aimed at lobbying all schools, colleges and universities in SADC to introduce ageing in their curricular so that school pupils and college and university students from different disciplines can understand ageing issues from a tender age up to tertiary education level. We think that this is the sustainable approach to improving well-being of older persons in SADC, Africa and the whole world. This is because both the current and future generations of people will be empowered with the right scientific knowledge about ageing.
3.Conference Organization, Attendance and Publication of Scientific Papers on Ageing in SADC
The aim of this program is to organize conferences on different ageing issues in SADC that will bring together all ageing stakeholders from all SADC countries, and represent SADC at regional and international conferences on all ageing related issues. The program is also aimed publishing joint scientific articles and policy briefs on different aspects of ageing in SADC.
4.Basic Social Protection Services Delivery
The aim of this program is to supplement efforts of SADC governments by getting involved in provision of basic social protection services aimed at assisting the poorest and most vulnerable older people in SADC on temporal basis during most difficult situations in life which they cannot handle using their own abilities. These include times of natural and man-made disasters such as COVID-19, internal displacements through demolition of one’s house, heavy rains and drought through provision of basic social protection services such as hand sanitizers, face masks, relief food, shelter, clothing, and sickness relief services. In this program we also aim at engage with all SADC Heads of States and lobby them to introduce universal social protection such as social pension and health insurance among others of social protection for all older people in SADC. This is meant to ensure that every older person in SADC enjoys the right to social protection, which is one of the key pre-conditions to leading a happy life in older age.